Quand nous parlons de l'art d'aujourd'hui, il est très difficile de dire, mais je suis tout à fait sûr que la politique est une forme derrière sujet, malheureusement .......
Sensationnalisme, la manipulation brutale, performans ... "L'Art pour l'arisme", il ressemble à un théâtre de marionnettes.
Où est notre place, une occasion de l'art respire, une partie de la beauté spirituelle et matérielle autour de nous, "la question est maintenant", mais comme une fois Dostoïevski laisser tomber le énigmatique phrase: "La beauté sauvera le monde" ou Alexandre Soljenitsyne:
"Mais nous pouvons embrasser tout ce que la lumière? Qui est là le courage de proclamer qu'il a défini l'art? "
Pour être extraordinairement illuminé notre tâche est tellement ..... créer avec passion et divines amour ...
“Personal Ark”
This concept is representing a sublimation of cultural-sociological perception of the world and it’s values, in reference to percept fleethy phenomenons, worlds which disappears from perception of an eye and the mind of the person and groups.
Dead substance is an corpus of the first part of concept and represents a selectivity of “pieces” from the world’s scarpbox, in which person, as a futuristic icon of ancestor Noah, becomes the gatherer, collector of creation. But, today, dead substance, diametrically from remarked happening and person, indicate transfiguration of the world which we belong to.
The corpus of second part of the concept is build by pale reflexion of the subject’s memory, translated and designated on a rigid media, in the case where subject as narrator of colours and illustrations, describes forgotten substance again, by personal and contemplative decision.
The attempt of new Noah to save the icon of one disappearing world, by remembering substance and marking it.
The third part, IHTIS - ἰχθύς: ichthys, represents perception of this macrocosm through two points, which are moving together, contacting and impacting on their way, but that’s the reason why their ideological trip is very distributed and in a contraposition.
Summation of heritage of the European man, just like as their confrontation, has an idea how to overcome mortification of significant unit, consigning to singularity of every human being, but specially the man as Homo Habilis, whose peculiarity is articulate in a performance which is giving a tintuation of ambience in which we all are.
The icon of the disappearing world, in attempt to save elements in disintegration of the world he remembered…
The project have 3 parts:
I. Collector
-Collection of interesting substances…shellfish, aftermath, parts of some organisms….
1. Abstract composition build with combine techniques (Anodonta Anatina) associate on butterfly in whirlwind (diptych)
2.Sharks’s whorl (Chondrichthyes) has signed Consecration Cross, two crosses on painted and vermeiled templates.
3.MYRTACEA EUCALYPTUS INCRASSANTA- the abstract composition
4.SEMEN - PSEUDO KRIN- the abstract composition
6.Overbloomed blowball in a glass box
7.Shuck of papaver in a glass box
8.Tug’s horn in a box, spiral of a gold intersection
II. Remembering the substance
Build with the pictures and illustrations of creation, of a man, from the embryo phase to the adult person, substance (Subsistence) which I am impressed with, from realism (realistic description) to expressionistic contouring as a pale reflexion of disappeared memories…
III. IHTIS, ἰχθύς: ichthys
Leonardo’s schema oh human (Humanistic Ideal) Vitruvius, Christ’s napkin (not made by hand), are the themes of this chapter, representing two oscillated points.
Both samples follows the rule of an gold intersection, but the signification is dissonant. Humanism, a philosophy build on negation of the ancient authority inspired by summing knowledge (studia humanitates) on a way to perfectionism, man is becoming a God and Christianity (on the contrary), born from the science of Christ, God is becoming a man…
IHTIS should represent man’s escape from this valley of tears, fish which is free, out of Heraclitus’s “river of life”, Πάντα ῥεῖ (panta rhei) "everything flows" , in origin (πάντα χωρεῖ καὶ οὐδὲν μένει)
ποταμοῖσι τοῖσιν αὐτοῖσιν ἐμϐαίνουσιν, ἕτερα καὶ ἕτερα ὕδατα ἐπιρρεῖ.
Potamoisi toisin autoisin embainousin, hetera kai hetera hudata epirrei
"On those stepping into rivers the same, other and other waters flow."
The quote from Heraclitus is interpreted by Plato as:
πάντα χωρεῖ καὶ οὐδὲν μένει
Panta chōrei kai ouden menei
"Everything changes and nothing remains still"
Instead of "flow" Plato uses chōrei, to change chōros.
The assertions of flow are coupled in many fragments with the enigmatic river image:
"Ποταμοῖς τοῖς αὐτοῖς ἐμβαίνομέν τε καὶ οὐκ ἐμβαίνομεν, εἶμέν τε καὶ οὐκ εἶμεν."
"We both step and do not step in the same rivers. We are and are not."
Man, who is walking free again, like in a Bach’s “Erbarme dish”…
Projet: « Sainte Geneviève de Paris »
- Le chemin de l’icône au XXIème siècle
En observant l’icône canonique de l’ancienne Eglise de l’Ouest et de l’Est, nous rencontrons aujourd’hui de nombreux problèmes.
Comment sauver les canons de l’iconographie sans participer au pur formalisme artisanal, ou au contraire au fantasme artistique sans possession d’image de la divinité éventuelle.
En exposant ce problème nous reconnaîtrons que l’icône du XXIème siècle a connu une crise.
Quand nous souhaitons souligner le caractère monumental de la peinture, nous prenons souvent comme exemple la peinture virtuose byzantine.
Comment sauver la virtuosité et l’héritage des traditions anciennes sans perdre le chemin, sans devenir copiste ou artisan. L’icône doit vivre autrement.(L’icône vit autrement)
Ma solution est fondée sur la recherche de l’expression, en transcrivant la monumentalité de l’icône byzantine et en la traduisant dans une langue expressive contemporaine, sans minutie, une expression essentielle de la relation entre la poétique, la forme et la religion.
Elle est également fondée sur la reprise d’un dessin expressif comme trame fondamentale avec des interventions colorées minimales.
J’étudie aussi le transfert d’un monde spirituel sur les media, et l’utilisation du symbole de la couleur avec son but sémiotique.
Le thème est celui des Saints de Gaule, d’où le nom du projet " Sainte Geneviève de Paris "
He was born on October the 8. and lived in Paris for first seven years of his life., where he had shown his first inclinations to the fine Arts.
During his Primary and Secondary education he continued develop his artistic expression, and got his first awards.
Year 1993 he enrolled at School of Fine and Applied Arts, level A in Belgrade.
During that period he exposed his paintings at auction exhibition in Stara Pazova under surveillance of custodian Nikola Kusovac.
Year 1994 he took part in student’s exhibitions and in charitable exhibition for disabled veterans.
In 1995 he took part in famous painter’s colony Prohor Pcinjski, as a representative (chosen bay his mentor Dragana Milosavljevic) of Belgrade’s Art College of Fine and Applied Arts. The same year he graduated at mentioned College.
1996 and 1997 he attended special College for painters named Sumatovacka and
exhibited his works at annual exhibit.
Year 1998 he became a student of Academy of Fine Arts and Conservation, section -conservation and wall paintings, and he finished the academy in 2002.
In the same time he was studying and analyzing the technique of icons painting in Monastery of St. Michael and St. Gabriel, in Kovilj.
He exhibited at:
-Gallery of frescos Belgrade, 1999.
-Musical gallery Kolarac Belgrade, 2000.
-Musical gallery Kolarac Belgrade, 2001.
-Musical gallery Kolarac Belgrade, 2002.
-Duchess Ljubica Castle Belgrade, 2002.
-CKT gallery Novi Banovci, 2004-May
-Vojnovic House Indjija 2004-April
-Museum 25 May Belgrade-ULUPUDS 2004-May
-Singidunum gallery Belgrade-ULUPUDS 2004-July
Independent exhibitions
- Gallery CZK Stara Pazova February 2004
Independent Exhibition
- Gallery CZKT Novi Banovci March 2004
Independent Exhibition
- 25 MayMuseum
Belgrade in May 2004
Collective exhibition, members of ULUPUDS
The Artists Association of Fine Arts in Serbia
- Gallery Singidunum Belgrade Knez Mihajlova September 2004
Collective exhibition, members of ULUPUDS
The Artists Association of Fine Arts of Serbia.
Gallery - CZK Stari Banovci September 2006
Independent Exhibition
International action-gallery art center
- Piraeus Athens Alkiviadou 212-octobre 2006
Independent Painting exhibition UNESCO Club of the Department of Piraeus & Islands
- Gallery "Progres" Belgrade in January 2007
Exhibition ULUPUDS
- March 2007 hotel "Grande Bretagne" Athens
Promotion of works and special AWARD, from his majesty Prince
Juan Arcadio Lascaris Comneno
In Madrid 2007
-14. April-4.maj 2007.godine 39-th May Fair ULUPUDS"Acceleration" Cara Dusana 45 Belgrade
The Artists Association of Fine Arts in Serbia
-17.-27. April 2007.godine Gallery "Singidunum" Belgrade ULUPUDS The Artists Association of Fine Arts in Serbia
- "Mini format" group exhibition ULUPUDS
- Musee Ruma on 18. Do 31. May 2007. Between the manifestation "The Night of the Museum"
- Srbobran (The CityGallery 1 - 11. Juni 2007)
Sokobanja gallery- (12-21. Juni 2007)
- Gallery "Cigota”, Zlatibor (25. Juni-4. Juli 2007).
-Gallery CZK St. Pazova 19.2.-19.3.2008. Solo exhibition
“Personal Ark”
-od 20. september – 20. oktobar 2008. «Ars Altera Pars»
Macura Museum Novi Banovci Zenit1
-20.septembar participant with 39 artists and their works used in the project:
«Die Archaologen kommen ans Tageslicht»Klaus Gölz
Macura Museum
-september «Crux» project, chapel for the Macura Museum
Ruski Domu Beogradu
- 2. - 12 april collective exhibition – ULUPUDS Centralni dom vojske Srbije
16. mart – 30. april 2009. – Muzej Primenjene Umetnosti u Beogradu – projekat «Simbioticka Arhitektura» - project «Symbiotic architecture» - Museum of applied arts- Belgrade
-from 26. january 2009. , frescoes and icons for the church of Saint Eliah in Stara Pazova
-september - september , project « Sainte Geneviève de Paris »
- Le chemin de l’icône au XXIème siècle
6. Mart 2010. MIPIM - Architecture Salon in Cannes– SYMBIOSIS youtube/watch?v=83IOZ2CBjGo
-32. SALON ARHITEKTURE - Architecture Salon
mart – april 2009. – Museum of Applied Arts in Belgrade – project «Symbiotic Arhitecture»
Exhibition ULUPUDS
Centralni dom vojske Srbije in Belgrade, 28. april - 04 mai 2010.
and many less significant exhibitions…
The various activities:
Helsinki- Finland, Ilomanci 2001
Concert of the ancient Byzantine chant.
- BEMUS The atrium of the National Museum 2001
Concert of the ancient Byzantine chant.
Russia-Moscow 2002
Concert of the ancient Byzantine chant.
France-Paris in April 2003
Church Saint Roch Paris 2 Pavilions on the woods
Concert of the ancient Byzantine chant.
International-action art center-Piraeus Athens Alkiviadou 212-2006 UNESCO
Concert of the ancient Byzantine chant.
Two CD-before monastery Hilandar-
The Byzantine choir Serbian 2006
Bulgaria-Rousse in September 2006
Concert of the ancient Byzantine chant.
- Project “Psalms” Chanting the Kovilj Monastery Choir
from 2007-2008. Studio RTV Novi Sad,
-St. Petersburg Philharmonia, the oldest Philharmonia in Russia, march
the 14th, 7th concert of the Season, Grand Philharmonic Hall, Choir"
Moses Petrovich " ancient Byzantine Chant, conductor: Nikola
Still many concerts Sava Center Belgrade, the National University of Ilija Kolarac Belgrade, Belgrade National Theater… etc.
In 2002, he made the frescoes and icons in the convent of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel Kovil, so the mosaics to the chapel "Praying place" Belgrade Krnjaca.
Icon of Christ for the altar of the Church of Vrbas. 2003.
Member of ULUPUDS
The Artists Association of Fine Arts in Serbia since 2004.
Fresco for the portal o f the church of Saint Basil of Ostrog in Novi Banovci
Frescoes Saints apostles Peter and Paul and Mother of God “Sirsaja nebes” 2005 Church of Saints apostles Peter andI Paul ,Donji Tovarnik Vojvodina
Mosaic “Boat of salvation”, monastery of Saints Archangels Michael and Gabriel in Kovilj, Vojvodina 2005
From decembre 2004 – 2008. he works on the Mount Atos Greece, frescoes and icons for the convents of Saint Basil at sea and Hilandar.
- AWARD, festival “L’imaginaire” "Maison des Cultures du Monde" Paris 2003.
- AWARD, oktober 2006 Piraeus Athens Multi-Cultural Center “ART INTERNATIONAL ACTION “ painting exhibition UNESCO Club of the Department of Piraeus & Islands 2006.
- AWARD-(Honorary distinction) as acknowledgment for his achievements in the field of visual arts from His highness prince Juan Arcadio Lascaris Comneno In Madrid in February 2007.
Email: alexejdaniel@hotmail.com
ULUPUDS- Serbian Association of Fine and Applied Arts, Artists and Designers