“Personal Ark”
This concept is representing a sublimation of cultural-sociological perception of the world and it’s values, in reference to percept fleethy phenomenons, worlds which disappears from perception of an eye and the mind of the person and groups.
Dead substance is an corpus of the first part of concept and represents a selectivity of “pieces” from the world’s scarpbox, in which person, as a futuristic icon of ancestor Noah, becomes the gatherer, collector of creation. But, today, dead substance, diametrically from remarked happening and person, indicate transfiguration of the world which we belong to.
The corpus of second part of the concept is build by pale reflexion of the subject’s memory, translated and designated on a rigid media, in the case where subject as narrator of colours and illustrations, describes forgotten substance again, by personal and contemplative decision.
The attempt of new Noah to save the icon of one disappearing world, by remembering substance and marking it.
The third part, IHTIS -
ἰχθύς: ichthys, represents perception of this macrocosm through two points, which are moving together, contacting and impacting on their way, but that’s the reason why their ideological trip is very distributed and in a contraposition.
Summation of heritage of the European man, just like as their confrontation, has an idea how to overcome mortification of significant unit, consigning to singularity of every human being, but specially the man as Homo Habilis, whose peculiarity is articulate in a performance which is giving a tintuation of ambience in which we all are.
The icon of the disappearing world, in attempt to save elements in disintegration of the world he remembered…
The project have 3 parts:
I. Collector
-Collection of interesting substances…shellfish, aftermath, parts of some organisms….
1. Abstract composition build with combine techniques (Anodonta Anatina) associate on butterfly in whirlwind (diptych)
2.Sharks’s whorl (Chondrichthyes) has signed Consecration Cross, two crosses on painted and vermeiled templates.
3.MYRTACEA EUCALYPTUS INCRASSANTA- the abstract composition
4.SEMEN - PSEUDO KRIN- the abstract composition
6.Overbloomed blowball in a glass box
7.Shuck of papaver in a glass box
8.Tug’s horn in a box, spiral of a gold intersection
II. Remembering the substance
Build with the pictures and illustrations of creation, of a man, from the embryo phase to the adult person, substance (Subsistence) which I am impressed with, from realism (realistic description) to expressionistic contouring as a pale reflexion of disappeared memories…
ἰχθύς: ichthys
Leonardo’s schema oh human (Humanistic Ideal) Vitruvius, Christ’s napkin (not made by hand), are the themes of this chapter, representing two oscillated points.
Both samples follows the rule of an gold intersection, but the signification is dissonant. Humanism, a philosophy build on negation of the ancient authority inspired by summing knowledge (studia humanitates) on a way to perfectionism, man is becoming a God and Christianity (on the contrary), born from the science of Christ, God is becoming a man…
IHTIS should represent man’s escape from this valley of tears, fish which is free, out of Heraclitus’s “river of life”,
Πάντα ῥεῖ (
panta rhei) "everything flows" , in origin (
πάντα χωρεῖ καὶ οὐδὲν μένει)
ποταμοῖσι τοῖσιν αὐτοῖσιν ἐμϐαίνουσιν, ἕτερα καὶ ἕτερα ὕδατα ἐπιρρεῖ.
Potamoisi toisin autoisin embainousin, hetera kai hetera hudata epirrei
"On those stepping into rivers the same, other and other waters flow."
The quote from Heraclitus is interpreted by Plato as:
πάντα χωρεῖ καὶ οὐδὲν μένει
Panta chōrei kai ouden menei
"Everything changes and nothing remains still"
Instead of "flow" Plato uses
chōrei, to change
The assertions of flow are coupled in many fragments with the enigmatic river image:
"Ποταμοῖς τοῖς αὐτοῖς ἐμβαίνομέν τε καὶ οὐκ ἐμβαίνομεν, εἶμέν τε καὶ οὐκ εἶμεν."
"We both step and do not step in the same rivers. We are and are not."
Man, who is walking free again, like in a Bach’s “Erbarme dish”…